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Coruba Original Barrel Aged Rum 1 Litre

Coruba Original is a full bodied rum with a robust flavour and hints of spices. It has a smooth, mellow finish accompanied with the aroma's and flavours of molasses, cocoa and caramel.

Courvoisier VS Cognac 700ml

Youthful and lively, Courvoisier VS is a fusion of younger and older cognacs that bring about a fruity, delicate taste and a bouquet filled with ripe fruit and spring flowers. The aroma is rich, fresh and oaky, balanced with the vigour of a young cognac. Extraordinarily versatile, Courvoisier VS is delicious with simple mixers and perfect for creating exquisite cocktails and punches.

Courvoisier VSOP Cognac 700ml

Courvoisier VSOP Cognac is a skillfully crafted blend of several crus with a perfect balance between the floral and fruity Fins Bois and harmonious Grande and Petite Champagnes, each at the peak of their aromatic potential. Courvoisier VSOP extends a delicate bouquet and excellent marriage of oak and exotic flavours. The aroma is subtle and with refined under-notes of peach, toasted almond and jasmine.

Crabbie's Yardhead Single Malt 700ml

Yardhead is the single malt whisky designed for mixing as well as sipping. Exclusively bottled from first fill bourbon casks creates a versitile flavour profile - perfect for highballs and modern whisky cocktails.

Crown Royal Deluxe Blended Canadian Whisky 750ml

All Hail the King of the Barrel - Crown Royal, Canada's leading premium whisky, has a long and distinguished history that is as unique as its taste. Crown Royal Deluxe was created to honour the Royal grand tour of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. Made from milled corn, rye and malted barley, this premium whisky is aged in both seasoned and new white oak and eventually selected at its optimum maturity.

Crystal Head Vodka 50ml

Produced on the remote island of St. Johns, Canada. Quadruple distilled and triple filtered through Herkimer diamonds. No additives, oils or sugars added. Ultra smooth, with a fuller taste than most Vodka's. Enjoy it in its pure form or mixed with premium ingredients.

Dancing Sands Sauvignon Blanc Gin 700ml

A combination of two Kiwi icons: Sauvignon Blanc and Dancing Sands Dry Gin. State-of-the-art vacuum distillation means they are able to retain the complex flavours of the wine, while adding botanical sophistication from their Dry Gin. The end result is a full-bodied and fruity gin that brings you bursting passionfruit, gooseberry, lime, and green apple - all the tropical flavours you know and love from a New Zealand Sauv Blanc, but with added punch and pizazz.

De Kuyper Advocaat 700ml

A creamy yellow liqueur made from a rich blend of eggyolks, sugar, brandy and a touch of vanilla.

De Kuyper Banana Liqueur 700ml

De Kuyper originated in 1695 in Rotterdam, Netherlands and has developed over three centuries into a global player in the area of Liqueurs and Advocaat.

De Kuyper Blue Curaçao Liqueur 700ml

De Kuyper originated in 1695 in Rotterdam, Netherlands and has developed over three centuries into a global player. In 1955 on it's 300th Anniversary and in recognition of three centuries of distilling excellence, De Kuyper was awarded the Dutch title 'Royal Distillers'.

De Kuyper Butterscotch Schnapps 700ml

If you like the sweeter things in life, Butterscotch Schnapps is a rich and velvety liqueur that will warm the cockles at the end of a wintery day. Can be enjoyed straight or can be used to make a number of delicious cocktails.

De Kuyper Cherry Brandy Liqueur 700ml

Extract from dark red cherries, subtly enhanced with exotic spices, blended with fine Brandy.
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