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Ara Single Estate Rosé 750ml

This vegan-friendly Marlborough Rosé shows alluring red fruit aromas of strawberries and raspberries, with hints of ginger and blossom in the background. The palate is intriguing, berry fruit flavours make way for subtle notes of ginger. The wine is balanced by juicy crispness, on a dry finish.

Babich Marlborough Pinot Noir Rosé 750ml

This little Rosé has aromas of strawberry and rock melon with spice and stone fruits. Strawberry again on entry with raspberry and apple. Soft and nicely structure with mouth-watering, tangy red fruits. Lively and balanced - dry finish.

Babydoll Rosé 750ml

Babydoll's BABYDOLL sheep live beneath the vines, nibbling on grass and weeds and giving their name to these delicious wines. Small but mighty, they're wonderful groundskeepers. Yes, they need a little help to keep the mowing going. But it's all for the good of the grapes.

Banrock Station White Shiraz Rosé 750ml

Banrock Station Wines are bold, flavoursome, easy drinking wines produced from excellent fruit.

Bijou Cuvée Terre de Providence Rosé Pays d'Oc IGP 750ml

The Bijou Terre de Providence Rosé is a delicately still wine featuring bright aromas of berries, floral honeysuckle and citrus. The palate is light and crisp, rolling over the tongue with frivolity, and ending on a smooth finish.

Brancott Estate Flight Rosé 750ml

On the nose this wine shows red berry notes with spiciness and tones of nashi pear supported by hints of honeyed complexity. The palate displays flavours of red apples, red berries and spice. This is a textural wine with a fleshy mid palate creating a succulent wine that has a soft finish.

Château d'Esclans Whispering Angel Côtes de Provence Rosé 2021 750ml

Made from Grenache, Cinsault and Rolle (Vermentino) grapes, its pale colour is pleasing to the eye and draws one in. The rewarding taste profile is full and lush while being bone dry with a smooth finish. A blend of the best free run juices and press juices, fermented and aged in stainless steel with temperature control.

Church Road Gwen Rosé 750ml

Named in honour of Gwen, the Wife of Tom McDonald, father of Church Road. Gwen explores a more elegant and refined style of winemaking. Gwen Rosé is an off dry and finely textured Syrah rosé with subtle red fruit, floral notes, spice, and an underlying creaminess. On the palate, gentle acidity and a slatey minerality make this a sophisticated drink that will work well as an aperitif or as a versatile food wine. A great match with a range of fresh salads, seafood, poultry, and cold cuts.

Church Road Rosé 750ml

Found in 1897, Church Road combines traditional winemaking techniques with modern thinking and innovation to craft premium, complex wines. The wine has rich pink tones, with aromas of bright raspberry and strawberry fruits. On the palate fine texture and fleshy through the mid palate, finishing with a gentle sweetness, balanced by a crisp acidity and a lingering finish. Serve as an aperitif or with cured pork or salmon.

Dashwood Rosé 750ml

Great wine is so much more than just fermented grape juice it is an alchemy in which unique terroir and skilled winemaking unite. At Dashwood, they create wines that are true reflections of New Zealand's Marlborough region. They are as cool as the winds that whip through our valleys each day and as imposing as the towering mountains that frame our vineyards. We have been tending vineyards and making wine in Marlborough for over twenty years. Their home is important to them, and they see their role as a caretaker of this part of the world. They strive to minimize or eliminate any activities that are wasteful or harmful to the environment so that future generations can continue to enjoy our extraordinary landscape. This Rosé is a summery delight for the senses. Aromas and flavours of strawberry, raspberry and cream soda are met with an off-dry finish. Enjoy well chilled!

Fickle Mistress NZ Rosé 750ml

Pinot Noir is fickle but she is charming, she is temperamental but bewitching. She is the Fickle Mistress.

Giesen Estate Riesling Blush 750ml

This Blush Riesling is a playfully versatile accessory for any gathering. The subtle berry flavours and hint of spice make it a perfect match for barbeques or antipasto platters, and the refreshing citrus flavours taste delicious just on their own! Share this wine while getting ready for a night out, take it along to your next BYO, or gift it to your bestie - the Estate Blush Riesling will add a touch of style to any moment.
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